Transformers The Last Knight:
Genre: Sci-Fi + Action
Narrative: The story line shows an alien like invasion on Earth and the transformers protecting the Earth against the invaders. This story-line is tense and fast-paced which fits the action and sci-fi genre really well.
Character: The characters are unusual in a Hollywood sci-fi movie with the aliens protecting Earth against other aliens in contrast to the typical Humans VS Alien invader scenario of previous Sci-Fi apocalyptic movies. The aliens invading typical invasion with force creating an all out war and havoc throughout Earth. The main Human character is played by Mark Whalberg he is seen as the typical male hero in Hollywood: Big,Strong and filled with determination to protect his daughter and humanity from anything.
Iconography: Many explosions, aliens , technology and violence in this movie. This is the usual description for a Sci-Fi movie and the Transformers brand is iconic for implementing these into their movies and trailer therefore I am confident that this symbolises Action and Sci-Fi genre.
Setting: The trailer doesn't reveal much about the setting, but we can see from this short trailer the setting to be in a sort of desert which is symbolic of ancient sci-fi settings and adventure as well as space which also completely symbolises Sci-Fi and obviously adventure.
London Has Fallen:
Genre: Action Thriller
Narrative: All the main leaders of the world head to London for the funeral of the British Prime Minister, this is the typical story for disaster in Hollywood as it would seem as an easy chance for terrorists, typically of Islamic decent which is iconic for Hollywood extremist movies, to snatch and execute the President of the USA.
Character: This storyline presents the typical Characteristics of a spy/hero of a Hollywood main character ,ruthless and determined. Mike Banning is the main character in this movie as one of the head agents of the American Secret Service.
Iconography: Many explosions, car chases , gunfights and terrorists which is ideal and very typical of the american film industry to imprint into an action thriller movie. Includes extremely tense scenes and scenes of drama.
Setting: This movie is set in London which is very odd due to the standard issue police force having limited access to guins, RPGs etc. this also helps the story line as it helps Mike determine real police to extremists due to recognising police with non standard police pistols.
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them:
Genre: Fantasy,adventure.
Narrative: The main character is shown to be on a quest to infiltrate and captur the beasts of the world that reaks havoc in society, this would seem a challenge as they are creating havoc on humans in the non wizarding world.
Character: The main character is not the typical hero or supernatural hero in Hollywood, he does not possess immense strength or intelligence and skill set seems to bet limited/
Iconography: The iconography in this trailer all add up to the fantasy genre i.e colours are very flamboyant , fire , magic and supernatural characters are the ideal and iconic iconography for a fantasy movie.
Setting: The movie is set in America which is not usual for a fantasy type movie since witchcraft etc. originated in areas such as England or Norway (european).
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